Printing - Ommit Header and Footer Info



Does anyone know if you can (and if so, how) ommit the header and footer
information from printing when printing from Internet Explorer? (ie. page
title, page #, date and address)

Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Bruce Hagen

Highlight the portion of the message you want to print and copy/paste it
to any word processing program and print from there.


Thanks for the info Bruce. Actually, I am a developer generating formal
documents as web pages that need to be printed. I was looking for a
development solution to ommit the header and footer when accessing the print
method of the browser. After further research, it seems as though the only
way to do so is with a 3rd party component that can be found here...

Thanks again for your time.

Alan Edwards

Remove the header and footer information in File-Page Setup.
Take note of what was there in case you need it again.



Again, thank you. But I don't want to tell people who are printing the web
page to go into page setup and manually remove the header / footer info. Was
looking for a scripting approach for a solution. I have tested the ScriptX
component and it works fine.

Thank you all for your time and input.

Bruce Hagen

Hmmm. If I clear that info, I still get Main Identity, To, From, Subject
etc. when I print. XP/SP2 Home OE 6.00.2900.2180


FYI - This question and solution was for IE, not Outlook or the like.
Solution may be different approach.

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