Printing master and sub documents with linked pictures



I am printing a large manual that I created in Word. The master document is
linked to 60-70 sub documents that have pictures included that were added to
the documents using the Link-to-File format to enable changing of pictures
later as the manual is utilized for multiple locations.
When I print the document, the pictures are displayed randomly. All picture
sites have the box, but depending on the print time, pictures are not
displayed when printing. it is not consistent in which ones are visible
between the printings.
I have also tried to expand all of the documents and then save the master
doc as a full document, and then printing. This is also not consistent,
losing variable pictures at variable times. the doc size is very large at
over 3.6 kb. when expanded

Chad DeMeyer

Could be a memory problem. If you navigate through the document a page at a
time, does it take a few seconds or more for Word to "paint" each picture on
screen. When I've had documents like that in the past, I've had to page
through the document and allow each picture to be painted, before going to
print, in order for all the pictures to be rendered in the printout.

Hope that helps

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