Printing jpg images in a report


Ted Kitch

I'm an Access newbie and I have searched the newsgroup to find an
answer to my issues, but I'm having trouble getting my report to work.

First off, my objective it to print JPG images in a report where the
name of the file changes for each and every record in the database.
I'm not using OLE due to database bloat and I have added a field to my
database called ImagePath.

Secondly, here is what I have done so far:
I've added the aforementioned field to the database.
I'm displaying ImagePath on my report.
I've created an unbound image frame that I'm calling frameImage that
was originally created to a file that I won't ever use in the

I've added the following code to the On_Format event of the Details
section of the report:
Me!frameImage.Picture = Me![ImagePath]

When I run this I get a compile error that sates the following:
Run Time Error '438'
Object doesn't support this property or method.

I'm sure that whatever I'm doing is stupid, but I can't seem to figure
this out. The code seems easy enough to understand.

I'm using Access XP.


Ted Kitch
Complete Access Newbie

Ted Kitch

Exponent said:
Do you mean an 'unbound object frame' or an Image control ?
You should use the latter. You'll need the relevant Office Graphics Filters installed.

Sorry for the confusion, it is an unbound object frame. How do I
insert an image control? Sorry if this sounds dumb, but I can't seem
to find the image control.

Thanks for your reply.

Larry Linson

It is in the Controls Toolbox... in mine for Access 2003, it is immediately
before the Unbound Object Frame, and immediately after the Command Button.

If you are going to use this, however, I strongly suggest you obtain from It contains a solution for
memory leaks that can run you out of memory if you don't convert your .jpg
to bitmap form before printing.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

Ted Kitch said:
Do you mean an 'unbound object frame' or an Image control ?
You should use the latter. You'll need the relevant Office Graphics
Filters installed.

Sorry for the confusion, it is an unbound object frame. How do I
insert an image control? Sorry if this sounds dumb, but I can't seem
to find the image control.

Thanks for your reply.[/QUOTE]

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