Hi Alex ,
Thanks for your feedback.
I have created a test Power Users account on my machine, then test your
sample code in this account. Yes, I can reproduce out this problem on my
side. This exception occurs in PrintPreviewDialog.CreateHandle.
If we use Reflector to view the source code, we will see that:
protected override void CreateHandle()
if ((this.Document != null) &&
throw new
Then I added the test code:
bool f=this.printDocument1.PrinterSettings.IsValid;
For the test account, the result is false, which caused out the
InvalidPrinterException exception.
Further invest in System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.IsValid in
Reflector, I got the following code:
public bool IsValid
return (this.DeviceCapabilities(0x12, IntPtr.Zero, -1) != -1);
private int DeviceCapabilities(short capability, IntPtr pointerToBuffer,
int defaultValue)
string text1 = this.PrinterName;
return this.FastDeviceCapabilities(capability, pointerToBuffer,
defaultValue, text1);
private int FastDeviceCapabilities(short capability, IntPtr
pointerToBuffer, int defaultValue, string printerName)
int num1 = SafeNativeMethods.DeviceCapabilities(printerName,
this.OutputPort, capability, pointerToBuffer, IntPtr.Zero);
if (num1 == -1)
return defaultValue;
return num1;
After setting breakpoing in these methods one-by-one(you should setup the
debug symbols correctly, also, I used Win2003 RunAs function to run VS.net
under the test accout, so that I can do debugging under this test
I find that DeviceCapabilities Win32 API failed and returns -1. Calling
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), I got the
message below: "The printer name is invalid".
It seems that PrinterSettings.PrinterName property returns the incorrect
printer name. Then I checked into the PrinterName property, I get these:
public string get_PrinterName()
return this.PrinterNameInternal;
private string get_PrinterNameInternal()
if (this.printerName == null)
return PrinterSettings.GetDefaultPrinterName();
return this.printerName;
private static string GetDefaultPrinterName()
SafeNativeMethods.PRINTDLG printdlg1 =
printdlg1.Flags = 0x400;
if (!SafeNativeMethods.PrintDlg(printdlg1))
return SR.GetString("NoDefaultPrinter");
IntPtr ptr1 = printdlg1.hDevNames;
IntPtr ptr2 = SafeNativeMethods.GlobalLock(new HandleRef(printdlg1,
if (ptr2 == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new Win32Exception();
string text1 = PrinterSettings.ReadOneDEVNAME(ptr2, 1);
SafeNativeMethods.GlobalUnlock(new HandleRef(printdlg1, ptr1));
ptr2 = IntPtr.Zero;
SafeNativeMethods.GlobalFree(new HandleRef(printdlg1,
SafeNativeMethods.GlobalFree(new HandleRef(printdlg1,
return text1;
I finally get that the SafeNativeMethods.PrintDlg return false, so no
default printer name is returned(returned by
SR.GetString("NoDefaultPrinter"); statement).
SafeNativeMethods.PrintDlg is a Win32 API, which .Net p/invoked it. Then I
write a MFC application to test this API in Win32 world:
void CMFCPrintDlgTestDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
PRINTDLG printdlg1;
HWND hwnd;
// Initialize PRINTDLG
ZeroMemory(&printdlg1, sizeof(printdlg1));
printdlg1.lStructSize = 0x42;
printdlg1.hwndOwner = 0;
printdlg1.hDevMode = 0;
printdlg1.hDevNames = 0;
printdlg1.Flags = 0;
printdlg1.hwndOwner = 0;
printdlg1.hDC = 0;
printdlg1.nFromPage = 1;
printdlg1.nToPage = 1;
printdlg1.nMinPage = 0;
printdlg1.nMaxPage = 0x270f;
printdlg1.nCopies = 1;
printdlg1.hInstance = 0;
printdlg1.lCustData = 0;
printdlg1.lpfnPrintHook = NULL;
printdlg1.lpfnSetupHook = NULL;
printdlg1.lpPrintTemplateName = NULL;
printdlg1.lpSetupTemplateName = NULL;
printdlg1.hPrintTemplate = 0;
printdlg1.hSetupTemplate = 0;
printdlg1.Flags = 0x400;
if (PrintDlg(&printdlg1)==TRUE)
char buf[50];
wsprintf(buf, "error: %d",GetLastError());
MessageBox(buf, buf);
Testing with the test account, I also can reproduce out the problem. Also,
the key point is for setting PRINTDLG.Flags to 0x400, which is
Yes, after enabling "Manage Documents" permission on the printer for test
account, the problem will go away. But I am not sure why PrintDlg with
PD_RETURNDEFAULT require "Manage Documents" permission.
Currently, I do not think there is any good solution for this issue, maybe
we have to setup "Manage Documents" permission for all the non-admin
accounts.(Yes, you can documented this in your application)
Finally, if you want to submit a bug for microsoft, I suggest you contact
Microsoft PSS for it.
You can contact Microsoft Product Support by contacting us at
1-(800)936-5800 or by choosing one of the options listed at
Hope this information helps
Best regards,
Jeffrey Tan
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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