Printing issue in XP over Remote Desktop VPN

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dan
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I have an issue when connecting to VPN at my office with Windows XP.
The VPN connects fine, authenticates, and allows network activity without

The issue is that I want to bring my printers from home with me.

On the remote desktop connection I remote to another PC in the office
and have the check box checked on the remote desktop connection to "bring my
printers with me."

I have an HP LaserJet 1200 series printer and home and want to be able
to print to this machine from the XP machine I remote into inside the office.
Thus - I can print documents to my home printer from work over the VPN. My
printer is not listed there.

Is there any other settings I need to check or items that could be
preventing this from working? I believe the windows firewall is off. The
printer does work at home so I just need it to display on the computers I'm
remoted into and shouldn't have to install the driver on each PC since its
worked before with other computers and printers in the past for the most part.

Any ideas?


The machine that you are connecting to must have the print drivers loaded
for the printer at home. Are you remoting to Server (x86 or x64?) or
another XP machine? Are the local drivers installed newer? If they happen
to be real old (NT4 kernel mode drivers) then you will need to configure the
remote machine to lead these but I suggest getting newer (version 3 user
mode drivers).

Look for Terminal Server event 1111 on the remote. If you see this event,
there was no driver found.

If the machine is Server there is a Terminal Server configuration that can
block printer redirection.

If the printer uses a DOT4 portname, it's not redirected. He's a couple
articles on this.
Print Terminal Server Applications to Local Printer
Terminal Services provides printer redirection which routes print jobs from
the terminal server to a printer that is attached to your local computer.
There are two ways to provide access to local printers: automatic and manual
printer redirection. Use manual redirection when your local printer requires
a driver that is not available on the Windows 2000 Server. To print to your
local printer from programs that are running on the terminal server, use the
appropriate method.

Automatic Printer Redirection
a.. Printer redirection is automatic when the local printer uses a driver
that is installed on the Windows 2000 server. When you log on to a session
on the terminal server, any local printers that are attached to LPT, COM and
USB ports and that are installed on the client computer are automatically
detected and a local queue is created on the server. The client computer
printer settings for the default printer and some properties (such as
printing on both sides of the page) are used by the server.
b.. When a client disconnects or ends the session, the printer queue is
deleted and any incomplete or pending print jobs are lost. Information about
the client's local printers and settings are saved on the client computer.
On subsequent logons, the printer queue is created by using the information
that is stored on the client computer.
c.. If a printer driver is not found on the server, an event is logged and
the client printer is not created. To make the printer available, the driver
must be manually installed on the server.

Alan Morris
Windows Printing Team
Search the Microsoft Knowledge Base here:

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Thanks for your reply. I am trying to remote to another XP machine.
So your saying I should install the print drivers on the machine I'm
remoting too for my HP LaserJet 1200 series? I can try this, however what
port, COM, or interface should I install this on since I have it over the VPN
from my home network and I'm remoting into a corporate network to an XP

check the PORT on the 1200 at home. If it is DOT4, the DOT4 protocol is not
supported. Many times selecting the correct USB001, USB002 ... port will
allow you to print but one cannot access any other advanced features on the
device if one has purchased the additional accessories.

You will need to install the driver on the remote machine only if you are
getting event 1111

Alan Morris
Windows Printing Team
Search the Microsoft Knowledge Base here:

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.