Cor said:
Hi Rick,
I did not see your name in the ASP.NET newsgroup.
Im sure you didnt. I havent done a lot of work with ASP.NET and dont feel I could be of much
benefit there yet, and have nothing I need to learn about it yet. I am in this group mostly
because i want to learn about VB.NET.
The framework.aspnet group is a group where beside the framework server
problems sometimes the code without build VB or C# language and VB and
JavaScript the subject is.
Im not quite sure I follow. Are you saying that someone who is having permissions problems
printing from an ASP.NET app would be better off to look elsewhere, rather than the
framework.aspnet group? It seems to me that this would be the perfect place, regardless of the
language in question.
For windowforms and webform projects with language I think the group
with that name is more the right place.
I guess I failed to see where he said he was having a webform problem. I thought he said he was
having a permissions problem while trying to use the system.drawing.printing namespace in an
ASP.NET application?
Just a thought from someone who has the ASP.NET newsgroup normal open all
the time.
I used to watch the group frequently, however, as I said, I dont have time to learn everything at
once, and I dont have a need for ASP.NET as quickly as VB.NET or C#. When I am ready to learn it,
and/or feel like I may have something to add to the group, you will see me in there.