Printing forms

  • Thread starter Thread starter esd
  • Start date Start date


Ever since I updated my windows program, the forms that I
print in Quickbooks no longer print correctly. I print 2
copies of every form and when I print, both forms would
print then move to the next form and print both copies and
move on etc ect.
Now when I print, all copies print once then all of the
other copies print. Most of my forms are preprinted and I
have to sort and then print.
I have contacted Quickbooks and they informed me that the
problem is in Windows not my Quickbooks program.
What do I need to do to fix this problem?
I don't do QuickBooks but I'm hoping that printing is done the same way as
any other Windows application.

So, when you select File, Print... and get the Print Dialog window, do you
see the Collate button? Unchecked it should be all copies of page 1, then
all copies of page 2, etc. If that's how it's set now but you are still
getting all of multi-page document 1, then all of multi-page document 2,
etc, click on the Properties button.

On the Page Setup tab of the Printer's Properties (probably through
Printing Preferences), check or uncheck the Collate option as necessary.

If necessary, and if it can be done, set the Collate function from the
Printer's Properties pages having opened them from the Object located in
the Printer folder, not from an application's Print... function. This is a
global adjustment and should remain the default from this point forward.