Not sure if this will work in IE 6. Try it.
How to Create a Text File of Web Addresses in Favorites Folder
This article describes how to create a text file that contains a list of the
Web addresses of the Internet shortcuts in your Internet Explorer Favorites
folder. (i. e. 4, 5. W95/98/NT4 5/13/2003)
How to Copy Your Existing Favorites to a Different Computer
This article describes how to copy your existing favorites to a different
computer without having to re-create them manually. (i. e. 4, 5. W95/98/ME 5/18/2003)
The Import/Export function may also be a way.
For your information.
Error Message When Importing Favorites
When you attempt to import Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x favorites by
using the Internet Explorer 5 Import wizard, you may receive the following
error message:
Cannot find drive:\Windows folder\Favorites\bookmark.htm.Please choose
another file. (i. e. 5. W95/98/NT4 10/1/2002)
Unable to Export Favorites or Cookies
When you attempt to use the Import/Export Wizard, you may receive one of the
following error messages:
Unable to export favorites, Unable to export cookies. (i. e. 5. W95/98/NT4 10/1/2002)
Henri Leboeuf
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