Printing Example

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pitaridis Aristotelis
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Pitaridis Aristotelis

Is there a complete example of how to print, print preview, change print
settings, etc. in VB.NET.

Actually, I don't think it is very helpful as it doesn't really explain the
mechanisms going on. I have had a lot of printing problems because the VB
Help file is unhelpful and I have found nowhere on the net that properly
explains printing, and if it tries to, it makes too many assumptions.

Effectively what happens is this.

You need to create a PrintDocument
Dim Withevents MyDoc as Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument
the withevents automatically will create the PrintPage event.
This event has a PrintPageEventArgs argument which is used to print to, and
you use it by using its .Graphics property to print to, just as you would
when painting a control (using GDI).
Once you finish painting your page, you then use the args.HasMorePages which
can be set False if no more printing or True if you have more to print.
If True, the PrintPage event is raised again and you continue painting the
next by now cleared page. You loop through this event until you have no more
page painting to do and then you set the args.HasMorePages = False,
otherwise you will simply print a blank page.
Once you have finished painting, you can use the MyDoc.Print() to print it,
or if you wish to show it in a PrintPreview by using its .Document=myDoc

The PrintDocument uses you default page settings which you get to and change
by using the MyDoc.DefaultPageSettings
You will need to access these properties as it will then tell you your
margins etc. Remember that when painting the document, you may use
args.Graphics.DrawString() and you will need to set the x and y locations.

However I have a problem in that I can't find a way of replacing the
previously loaded document in the print preview with a new.

I hope this helps.
I know that this is very easy for you. Can someone put all this into a
working project and send it to me in order to understand it better.

My email is (e-mail address removed)
