I'm in Retail, so we have funky quarters and fiscal
years. Each quarter is 90 days, and fiscal year is Feb-
Jan, so I have a table called "AllDates" where each row
has all the date info one could need - saleDate, Week#,
FiscalMonthNum, FiscalQtrNum, start and end dates for each
(week, month, qtr, year) and also has all the same for LY
(everything in retail is about "how does this compare
against last year for the same sale date?)
I have a query where the user enters FiscalYear and Qtr as
parameters, and I pull all the data needed for the report -
it's sales$ and transactions (and averages...). The raw
data is by hour; I'm just summing/averaging for the month.
I want my report to print:
Store #1 (Group Header)
February $$ ### $$$ (etc)
March $$ ### $$$
April $$ ### $$$
QTR TOTAL $$$ #### $$$$
Where the Feb, Mar, April lines are detail.
I can't figure out how to do it! My query pulls the right
data, I have month number (1,2,3) and all the totals, but
I don't know how to print the 3 months in a row in
detail. I tried an "If" statement, but I ended up with
loads of rows with no data, though my data did show up
under the store:
Mar data
April Data
Feb data
or something like that.
I hope this is clear and I appreciate the help. I have a
class coming up in early July, but I can't wait for then
to get this report out.
years. Each quarter is 90 days, and fiscal year is Feb-
Jan, so I have a table called "AllDates" where each row
has all the date info one could need - saleDate, Week#,
FiscalMonthNum, FiscalQtrNum, start and end dates for each
(week, month, qtr, year) and also has all the same for LY
(everything in retail is about "how does this compare
against last year for the same sale date?)
I have a query where the user enters FiscalYear and Qtr as
parameters, and I pull all the data needed for the report -
it's sales$ and transactions (and averages...). The raw
data is by hour; I'm just summing/averaging for the month.
I want my report to print:
Store #1 (Group Header)
February $$ ### $$$ (etc)
March $$ ### $$$
April $$ ### $$$
QTR TOTAL $$$ #### $$$$
Where the Feb, Mar, April lines are detail.
I can't figure out how to do it! My query pulls the right
data, I have month number (1,2,3) and all the totals, but
I don't know how to print the 3 months in a row in
detail. I tried an "If" statement, but I ended up with
loads of rows with no data, though my data did show up
under the store:
Mar data
April Data
Feb data
or something like that.
I hope this is clear and I appreciate the help. I have a
class coming up in early July, but I can't wait for then
to get this report out.