You can use a slight modification to this article:
How to add the Print Directory feature for folders in Windows XP
The problem with this article under Vista is that there's no way to create a
new action for file folders. To overcome this, we can use the "Send To"
feature. Create the "printdir.bat" file and place it in your "Windows"
folder per the article. Next, go to 'Start|Run", enter the line:
in the Run window and click OK. This will open the "Send To" folder. Right
click in the folder, select "New|Shortcut", use the "Browse" button to
navigate to the printdir.bat file you created, click OK, click Next, give
the shortcut a name (I used "Print Directory"), and click "Finish". To test
this, open Windows Explorer, right click any folder and go to "Send To",
then "Print Directory". I find this works well and on all versions of
Windows hat have the "Send To" context menu. More on how to add items to
the "Send To" menu is here:!E8E5CC039D51E3DB!15739.entry
Adding Folders and Programs to the 'Send To' Context Menu in Windows Vista
Hal Hostetler, CPBE -- (e-mail address removed)
Senior Engineer/MIS -- MS MVP-Print/Imaging -- WA7BGX -- "When News breaks, we fix it!"
KVOA Television, Tucson, AZ. NBC Channel 4
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