I am trying to make an attendance sheet coordinate with my
medi-cal billing. (I'm a speech therapist). I made an
attendence grid in excel from Access mdb. with dates named
across the top, students names on the first column and a
column for indicating if they receive medi-cal or not. I
want to print a page for each student that receives medi-
cal with the dates of attendance for the month. (one
student per page) Can I do it? I've tried everything.
Also, can I use an Access form to print directly into my
speech reports in Word or can I only do it by going
through the mailmerge. Such a silly way to do it...
I'm trying to simplify my life, but it sure isn't
medi-cal billing. (I'm a speech therapist). I made an
attendence grid in excel from Access mdb. with dates named
across the top, students names on the first column and a
column for indicating if they receive medi-cal or not. I
want to print a page for each student that receives medi-
cal with the dates of attendance for the month. (one
student per page) Can I do it? I've tried everything.
Also, can I use an Access form to print directly into my
speech reports in Word or can I only do it by going
through the mailmerge. Such a silly way to do it...
I'm trying to simplify my life, but it sure isn't