Printing current record in form

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I'm sure that there is a fairly "simple" solution to my problem but I am
apprently having a "brain fart" and can't figure it out. I want to print
the current record in a particular form to a report. Any help will be

I'm sure that there is a fairly "simple" solution to my problem but I am
apprently having a "brain fart" and can't figure it out. I want to print
the current record in a particular form to a report. Any help will be

You need to supply the WHERE condition to the report when you open it.

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptReport",,,"UniqueID=" & Me.UniqueID

If your ID is text, surround it with single quotes ...
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptReport",,,"UniqueID='" & Me.UniqueID & "'"

- Jim
Do a search. This question is asked and answered allllll the time in these

You will need to create a button. The button should open a report. You
will have to tie in a statment to only pull the report for the current

Here is a sample from my employee database...

Private Sub Print_Button_Click()
If (IsNull([UserID])) Then
' If no employee selected, stop procedure
Exit Sub
End If
DoCmd.OpenReport "Admin - Employee Worksheet", acViewNormal, "",
End Sub

Do a search for more details.

Rick B

I'm sure that there is a fairly "simple" solution to my problem but I am
apprently having a "brain fart" and can't figure it out. I want to print
the current record in a particular form to a report. Any help will be
