Printing comments to the side in landscape view

  • Thread starter Thread starter jrherbig
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I have a multi-page document that normally prints in portrait, which I
want to keep. However, when someone chooses to print comments, I would
like the document to automatically print in landscape with the original
document on the left half of the page and the comments taking up the
right half of the page. Like I said, however, I need the option of
printing that same document w/o comments in portrait without changing
anything but turning off the print with comments option.

How do I do this? Thanks!
Printing in landscape is one of the options in Tools | Options | Track
Changes if you have balloons enabled in Word 2002/2003.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

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all may benefit.
I actually tried that, but it doesn't print the way I want it to.
Instead of pushing the original document to the left half of the page
and leaving the right half of the page for comments alone, it simply
extends the width of the page to a dimension that is beyond 8.5x11''
and throws the comments in on the right. Maybe my question didn't make
complete sense...

1. If comments are not chosen to be printed, I want it printed in
Portrait with one document page per printed page, taking up the whole
2. If comments are chosen to be printed, I want the document printed in
Landscape with one document page printed per page but pushed to the
left half side. * It should look as if it were printing two document
pages per printed page* but the left half is document, the right half
isn't document but comments instead.

This is so comments aren't inserted, throwing off the placement of
sections on the pages and the document can be viewed in two ways off
the same file. Also, there is almost as much text for comments as there
is for document, hence the need for a whole half of each page devoted
to comments alone.

Thanks for the speedy reply!
You can define the amount (percentage) of space used for the balloons
relative to the text. Have you tried setting this to 100%? That works for

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.