For a addin solution that will convert your Outlook Calendar to MS Word or Excel (with word wrapping

winchester wrote:
I believe that all of the calendar problems in Outlook 2007 havestemmed from
I believe that all of the calendar problems in Outlook 2007 hav
stemmed from the ability to have calendars overlay each other. I
seems like Microsoft was determined to make that work and they forgo
about so many other things. You can't combine weekend days and yo
can't make text wrap. I'm sure there are other things as well bu
those are the two things that I have ran into so far. I do believ
that Outlook 2003 is superior to 07. If you are simply just trying t
print the calendar then you can download and install the "Calenda
Printing Assistant" and it will hopefully do what you want. If yo
can't find a template that will work for you then you'd better b
proficient in xml. All of the templates for the Calendar Printin
Assistant are .xml. To edit the templates you will have to follow th
instructions in the link below. Good Luc
Previous Posts In This Thread:
Printing calendar in Monthly View using 2007
It seems the monthly calendar prints with only part of the appointment
description showing. I think I used to be able to see more in 2003. Is there
a way to modify what details are shown for Monthly calendars. I also notice
that if I make the font 6 pt, which is barely readable by my ole eyes,
instead of getting more details for the appointment description, I get the
end time of the appointment, which I dont really need. Any suggestions?
Re: Printing calendar in Monthly View using 2007
Outlook 2007
I use "The Calendar Printing Assistant for Office Outlook 2007"
I really like it. Free
The Calendar Printing Assistant for Office Outlook 2007 is a
application for people who need an easy way to print and customiz
their Outlook 2007 calendar information. It puts you in contro
of the tools you need and helps you plan and create designer-qualit
Outlook many versions: My favorite is the "My Outlook Calendar
however if you cruise the link below, you will see many other option
as well
"My Outlook Calendar". You ca
download this from the site
Customizable Word template for generating Outloo
weekly and monthly calendars
This VERY COOL FREE template is run from a Word templat
that when opened will read your calendar (Or any calenda
that you have access to) and build you
completely editable calendar with all the details included
All wrapped with complete information
You may need to relax the Macros running in both Outloo
and MS Word
In Microsoft Word Select
- TOOLS men
- Select MACR
- Select SECURIT
In Outlook there is the same process, however, I believe i
is the Microsoft Word that will try to stop the macro in th
Word Template from processing. You will want to set i
to allow or give you the choice of running it. I would onl
fix the WORD security first and see if that doesn't do th
It seems the monthly calendar prints with only part of the appointmen
description showing. I think I used to be able to see more in 2003. Is
a way to modify what details are shown for Monthly calendars. I also notic
that if I make the font 6 pt, which is barely readable by my ole eyes
instead of getting more details for the appointment description, I get th
end time of the appointment, which I dont really need. Any suggestions
No. Outlook 2007 does not wrap appointment text like 2003 does.
No. Outlook 2007 does not wrap appointment text like 2003 does. The Calendar
printing assistant may meet your needs and there are other printing
utilities. See for links.
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
EMO - a weekly newsletter about Outlook and Exchange:
(e-mail address removed)
You can access this newsgroup by visiting or point your
newsreader to
Re: Printing calendar in Monthly View using 2007
I did not mean to post a blank message.
I did not mean to post a blank message.
I have tried the varioius options outlined here -, 2007 Calednar
Printing Assistnant, etc., and none seem to allow one to print the Monthly
view with all the information about an appointment and with the color codes
for each appointment as defined in Outlook.
I've got a Vice President who is threatening to make me roll back everyone
(100+ installations) to Office 2003 if we can't remedy this.
Any help appreciated!
K. Zachary Abbott
Systems Manager
Did outlook 2003 print it like that?
Did outlook 2003 print it like that? AFAIK, the only difference between 2003
and 2007 is that the subject doesn't wrap. Color categories won???t print to
some printers (all HP AFAIK).
Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
EMO - a weekly newsletter about Outlook and Exchange:
(e-mail address removed)
You can access this newsgroup by visiting or point your
newsreader to
I believe that all of the calendar problems in Outlook 2007 havestemmed from
I believe that all of the calendar problems in Outlook 2007 have
stemmed from the ability to have calendars overlay each other. It
seems like Microsoft was determined to make that work and they forgot
about so many other things. You can't combine weekend days and you
can't make text wrap. I'm sure there are other things as well but
those are the two things that I have ran into so far. I do believe
that Outlook 2003 is superior to 07. If you are simply just trying to
print the calendar then you can download and install the "Calendar
Printing Assistant" and it will hopefully do what you want. If you
can't find a template that will work for you then you'd better be
proficient in xml. All of the templates for the Calendar Printing
Assistant are .xml. To edit the templates you will have to follow the
instructions in the link below. Good Luck
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