Printing "Blank" Pages

  • Thread starter Thread starter lombar
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Hello All,

I'm making an excel template that has a couple sheets. The first shee
is a page a data that is automatically filled in my companies program.
On sheet 2 I have created a formula that pulls infor from sheet to.
The formula is "=IF(Sheet1!M3*Sheet1!N3 > 0,Sheet1!M3*Sheet1!N3,"")"
Now the problem comes that in sheet 1 the cells I pull from can be aut
filled with hundreds of rows of data but it is variable. So what I di
on sheet 2 was did a fill down to row 1000 because that should be mor
than enough room. With the formula about it makes those cells blan
unless there is actually data to put in. Unfortunately when doing
print preview it shows everything down to row 1000 which is 20 pages.
Is there a way to make it only print the pages that have data showin
up or will it print all the way down to row 1000 because the formul
goes that far? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated and i
you have further questions about my problem please let me know. Thank