Printing blank &/or no text pages



Re: IE6 & W2K (SP4)

It has not been possible for a year or more to print web pages - without
copy & pasting to my word processor. Countless users have reported this
identical or related issue on tech forums & I have not found a workable
remedy anywhere including the MS Knowledge Base - although the issue has
been posted with suggested fixes (just Google "cannot print web pages")

(Mozilla Firefox browser users have been reporting the same issue - but
that's hardly any satisfaction)

Hoping for better results here - thanks. Happy Holidays!


PA Bear [MS MVP]

Would you like to tell us what happens when you try to print a web page?

What third-party toolbars might be installed?

Does the following help?...

Start | Run | REGSVR32 ole32.dll | OK


Well, Bear, first I ran regsvr32 stc. - & got a brief successful message.
Next, I chose a MS Knowledge Base page - expecting the usual results but -
both print preview & printout were perfect! I am compelled to give your
wizardry the full credit. Thanks! But what happened? (No 3rd party
toolnars installed)

Totally amazed! Thanks again - Blithe

PA Bear [MS MVP]

Your very welcome and thanks for your feedback.

How did it get "broken"? I dunno really but the usual suspect IMHO is
security-related applications (e.g., anti-virus; anti-spyware; firewalls)
running in the background when installing one or more Windows Updates.

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