Printing a PDF from Outlook causes Z@??.tmp files to occur that can't be deleted

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hans
  • Start date Start date


We have this nasty problem with pdf-files: when a user on our Terminal
Server 2003 r2 prints a pdf (with the advanced feature "Print as image" not
enabled) _from_ it's Outlook client, one of these Z@??.tmp files won't be
deleted anymore. I've tested this on both a Windows 2000 as a 2003 r2
Terminal Server, with various versions of Acrobat Reader version 5.0.5 -
7.0.8 and both Office 2000 as Office 2003... Al the same.

The problem the user experiences is the next day when (s)he tries to login
and a part of their local settings are gone, like the quick launch and
e-mail signature. That is caused because the local profile of the user on
the TS isn't completely cleaned up. These .tmp-files can't be deleted
without rebooting the server, it appears to me like they're being registered
as "in use" but that actually no one or a false identifier is using these

The only thing i can do now is every day cleaning up de local "Documents and
Folders"-folder to see if there are user profiles that are corrupted in this
way. Then i move them to another folder (i can't delete these folders that
contain these tmp-files) and after i rebooted the server after some Windows
Updates i delete this folder.

First i thought it was a specific problem of the printer driver of Konika
Minolta but as it appears now, it really has something to do with printing
more in general. These tmp-files are also created with other drivers.

Any help is really appreciated.

We have this nasty problem with pdf-files: when a user on our Terminal
Server 2003 r2 prints a pdf (with the advanced feature "Print as image" not
enabled) _from_ it's Outlook client, one of these Z@??.tmp files won't be
deleted anymore. I've tested this on both a Windows 2000 as a 2003 r2
Terminal Server, with various versions of Acrobat Reader version 5.0.5 -
7.0.8 and both Office 2000 as Office 2003... Al the same.

The problem the user experiences is the next day when (s)he tries to login
and a part of their local settings are gone, like the quick launch and
e-mail signature. That is caused because the local profile of the user on
the TS isn't completely cleaned up. These .tmp-files can't be deleted
without rebooting the server, it appears to me like they're being registered
as "in use" but that actually no one or a false identifier is using these

The only thing i can do now is every day cleaning up de local "Documents and
Folders"-folder to see if there are user profiles that are corrupted in this
way. Then i move them to another folder (i can't delete these folders that
contain these tmp-files) and after i rebooted the server after some Windows
Updates i delete this folder.

First i thought it was a specific problem of the printer driver of Konika
Minolta but as it appears now, it really has something to do with printing
more in general. These tmp-files are also created with other drivers.

Any help is really appreciated.


You probably can try to use User Hive Clean Up service (http://,
try to delete printers with clean.vbs script from Windows Server 2003
Resource Kit. Or you can try to manage your profiles with 3rd party
tools such as for example Desktop Authority (http://
You probably can try to use User Hive Clean Up service (http://
try to delete printers with clean.vbs script from Windows Server 2003
Resource Kit. Or you can try to manage your profiles with 3rd party
tools such as for example Desktop Authority (http://
Hi Leuchtflux,

Thanks for responding. The UHCP-service can't deal with it. Actually, when i
log in as administrator i can't delete these specific temp-files nor the
user can. If only some account could delete or release them we would be
close to a solution. But -sorry for sounding desparete- they're stuk to the
local settings\temp folder like they'r welded to it. Only after a reboot i
can delete them. And actually: without any problem. So, as i see it they
look to me as orphaned files, in use by some dwelling object.

What do you mean with deleting the printers? Sounds interesting.

Regards, Hans
Hi Leuchtflux,

Someone told me about Foxit --> an alternative PDF Viewer. That totally
solved my problem! So, it's not a perfect answer but it looks like a perfect
solution. Tests already showed good results, the upcoming days will proof if
this is really a good alternative.

I'd thought, just to let you know.

Regards, Hans.
Remove Adobe Reader from the server, reboot, remove locked files and associated folders and reinstall Adobe Reader. Done!