Printing a Forms list

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jan Il
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Jan Il

Hi all - Access 2002 XP

Just a quick question. Is it possible to print out a list of the forms in
the Objects | Forms list other than a screen shot?

Best regards,
Jan :)
Assuming you have a reference set to DAO, you can use the following:

Sub ListAllForms()

Dim dbsCurrent As Database
Dim docLoop As Document

Set dbsCurrent = CurrentDb()

With dbsCurrent.Containers!Forms
For Each docLoop In .Documents
Debug.Print " " & docLoop.Name
Next docLoop
End With

Set dbsCurrent = Nothing

End Sub

In Access 2000 and higher, it's even easier:

Sub ListAllForms()
Dim frmCurr As AccessObject

For Each frmCurr In Application.CurrentProject.AllForms
Debug.Print frmCurr.Name
Next frmCurr

End Sub
Hi Jan,

I have a report that uses a subreport for each of the
objects (tables, queries, etc.). I import this simple
report, 6 subreports, and 6 queries into any database and
I instantly have a nice slick print-out of all my database
objects. I use this in all my databases now since it's
great for documentation.

If you'd like a copy just let me know. It's 19KB zipped.

Jeff Conrad
Bend, Oregon
Hi Doug,

"> Assuming you have a reference set to DAO, you can use the following:
Sub ListAllForms()

Dim dbsCurrent As Database
Dim docLoop As Document

Set dbsCurrent = CurrentDb()

With dbsCurrent.Containers!Forms
For Each docLoop In .Documents
Debug.Print " " & docLoop.Name
Next docLoop
End With

Set dbsCurrent = Nothing

End Sub

In Access 2000 and higher, it's even easier:

Sub ListAllForms()
Dim frmCurr As AccessObject

For Each frmCurr In Application.CurrentProject.AllForms
Debug.Print frmCurr.Name
Next frmCurr

End Sub

Yes, I do have reference set for DAO. I have 2002 XP, so the second set
would probably work very well. :-)

Thank you very much for the information and code, I truly appreciate it.

Jan :)
Hey Jeff!
Hi Jan,

I have a report that uses a subreport for each of the
objects (tables, queries, etc.). I import this simple
report, 6 subreports, and 6 queries into any database and
I instantly have a nice slick print-out of all my database
objects. I use this in all my databases now since it's
great for documentation.

If you'd like a copy just let me know. It's 19KB zipped.

Yes indeed...that sounds like it would work well and I'd sure like to give
it a try. I have cable so the size should be just fine. ;-)

Thank you so very much for your offer, I really appreciate your help.

Jan :)
Ok Jan, it's on the way.
You should be getting it right!

Jeff Conrad
Bend, Oregon
Ok Jan, it's on the way.
You should be getting it right!

I'm sitting here with printed Forms list in hand feeling verrry smug. ;-)))

Thank you very much...well done. :-)

Jan :)
Glad you like it Jan.

Jeff Conrad
Bend, Oregon
-----Original Message-----

I'm sitting here with printed Forms list in hand feeling verrry smug. ;-)))

Thank you very much...well done. :-)

Jan :)

Hi Doug!

I must be dreaming.
You want to put something I made on the Holy Grail of
Access sites, the Ark of The Covenant for Access Junkies,
the equivalent to the Jedi archives??!!!
I'm speechless (for once) and blushing!
Even my wife said, "Ohhhhh ahhhh"

Where would I send it?
To your address?
I hope you're not disappointed, it's not THAT good. <g>

Jeff Conrad
Bend, Oregon
Hey, way to go, Jeff!
Even my wife said, "Ohhhhh ahhhh"

Well, yeah, but hadn't she just stubbed her toe?... <g>

I was about to ask for you to send it to me, too, but I'll wait now and
download it from the Access Web! Hey Doug, you'd better make sure you spell
his name correctly.. its "F"... "r"..."e"..

Fred Boer (close, personal friend of Jeff Conrad!)...