Sub Set_Two_Times()
Dim iSource As Long
Dim iTarget As Long
Dim cCols As Long
Dim rrows As Long
iSource = 1
iTarget = 1
cCols = 3
rrows = InputBox("rows per set")
Cells(iSource, "A").Resize(rrows, cCols).Cut _
Destination:=Cells(iTarget, "A")
Cells(iSource + rrows, "A").Resize(rrows, cCols).Cut _
Destination:=Cells(iTarget, (cCols + 1))
iSource = iSource + (rrows * 2)
iTarget = iTarget + (rrows)
PageBreak = xlPageBreakManual
Loop Until IsEmpty(Cells(iSource, "A").Value)
End Sub
Tips................enter a number of rows say 56 in inputbox.
This will move rows 57:112 to D1:F56 and shift columns A:C up.
And so on down the sheet.
You will have to adjust pagebreaks depending upon your margin settings.
Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP