It's easy in VB because the handle to the Device Context is available
via its Printer object but unfortunately this is not the case in VBA for
If you look at the code in the ReportUtilities on my site you will find
sample code showing you how to do something like:
Global Const PHYSICALWIDTH = 110
Global Const PHYSICALHEIGHT = 111
Global Const PHYSICALOFFSETX = 112
Global Const PHYSICALOFFSETY = 113
Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal
nIndex As Long) As Long
Sub GetPrinterMarginsInTwips(ByRef XOffset As Long, ByRef YOffset As
XOffset = GetDeviceCaps(Printer.hDC, PHYSICALOFFSETX)
XOffset = XOffset * Printer.TwipsPerPixelX
YOffset = GetDeviceCaps(Printer.hDC, PHYSICALOFFSETY)
YOffset = YOffset * Printer.TwipsPerPixelY
End Sub
Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
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