The listing of printers requires the spooler service to be running. In
turn, the spooler service requires the Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
service. And the RPC service is not running. The most frequent cause is
corrupt or missing printer driver files.
Navigate to Add/Remove printers and delete the printer driver. Clean up
as necessary. See this article:
Reboot the system and install a good copy of the drivers. DL that from
the HP web site.
That should fix it unless you removed some OS files inadvertently during
your clean-up efforts. If that seems likely, your options include:
1. taking the system back to a previous date using System Restore;
2. recovering the system from a backup given that you have such a thing;
3. a repair install from the OS CD (if a retail copy) or a recovery
method provided by the system builder (with all the backup of user
files, and other pains that implies).
[Incidentally, it is possible to "manually" start the RPC and spooler
services if you want to do that as a diagnostic check or any other
Net Start rpcss
Net Start spooler
Issue these commands from the command interpreter.]
Windows Shell/User