Andy said:
what about the 1P600 it's the cheapest canonI can find?
Did you meant the ip1600? If so it is a very slow photo printer and uses
the tri-color carts with extremely small quantities of ink in them. This is
one of the new Canon printers which probably has chipped carts as well to
thwart the use of aftermarket carts or inks. If you meant the mp600, this
printer also has chipped carts and is definitely not the least costly to
operate. I repeat --- try to find an ip4000, ip5000, ip6000, or a
multifunction unit that uses bci-6 and bci-3ebk carts as they can be
refilled or are available as compatables for a very low operating cost.
The post that said that the cost of a new ip780 was the same as a
refurbished one was probably comparing the cost of the refurbished 780 with
the new line of canon multipurpose units which use chipped carts and do not
have lower priced aftermarket prefilled carts.
If you want to refill the cartridges (easy to do and at a cost of about $1
per cart) you can buy an ip4200 or 4300 for $100 or less. These are the
newest of the Canon printers with chipped carts. Refilling the carts will
possibly void your warranty and will cause the printer to stop monitoring
the ink levels, so you will have to visually monitor the ink levels to
protect your printhead.
My feeling is that the ip6000D printers that are still available new would
be the easiest and most cost effective units to buy. The carts can be
refilled, and there is a ready supply of aftermarket carts if you wish to
use them. You would have the best assurance of predictable ink quality with
purchasing bulk inks from a vendor that others on this NG have successfully
used and refilling your carts.
Disregard any posts on this subject from Measekite as he rants against
aftermarket inks and/or refilling but has never used them or done any
refilling himself.