Printer Status over Network



Hello all,

Please help and suggest the code to get the printer status over the
for Example, i have an string "\\\\os1\\PtName"

where os1 is the system name
and PtName is the printer name

I need to know the status of this printer on the system name "os1".
Please suggest me the code for that in C#.

I am using WMI but not able to get anything helpful stuff.

Thank's and Regards
Tarun Sinha

Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


What is the query you are using in WMI? Is the printer available from
the local machine, or no? If it is not, then I don't think you can get the
printer information (the WMI providers work on the local machine). I think
you would have to connect to the WMI provider on "os1" and then run the
query there.


Thank's for reply

Yes i am able get the local machine printer information with the help
of WMI,
and here is the code :

ManagementScope mgmtscope = new ManagementScope(@"\root
ManagementObjectSearcher objSearcher = new
ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * from Win32_Printer");

foreach (ManagementObject printer in objSearcher.Get())
sysName =
printerName =

I also tried
select * from win32_printer where servername = '\\os1'
but still not able to get the printer info on system name os1.

any idea ???
waiting for your reply ..............................

Tarun sinha


What is the query you are using in WMI? Is the printer available from
the local machine, or no? If it is not, then I don't think you can get the
printer information (the WMI providers work on the local machine). I think
you would have to connect to the WMI provider on "os1" and then run the
query there.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

Hello all,
Please help and suggest the code to get the printer status over the
for Example, i have an string "\\\\os1\\PtName"
where os1 is the system name
and PtName is the printer name
I need to know the status of this printer on the system name "os1".
Please suggest me the code for that in C#.
I am using WMI but not able to get anything helpful stuff.
Thank's and Regards
Tarun Sinha- Hide quoted text -

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