From what I know that was on this computer were like 3 to 4 different kinds
all have been removed. The one that I have is Lexmark x1240 and i have
gotten the uninstall utility from them and it still does not work. This is
what i have done and what is going on
I am getting a erorr code 1068. It is saying that there is a dependencies
problem. I looked at the service printer spooler and it says that there are
no dependencies. but when i click on to the services that depend on the
following systems components there are 3 things there the one that says the
service status stoped is LEXBCES SERVER . also i can not find
C:\Windows\System32\LEXBCES.EXE files anywhere I have a Lexmark x1240 printer
that was working then all of a sudden it stopped. Please help I need my
printer to work for school.
I now try and donwload the driver from lexmark and it comes up with internet
can not download cjr1200en.exe the connection with the
server was reset. Help does any one know how to remove LexBce.exe from the
service? Will that slove the problem?