Windows XP Printer Spooler Error

Feb 14, 2011
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I have had my printer connected to my desktop which is Windows XP, and now for some reason it is not connected. So i tried to reinstall the printer and it states "printer spooler is now working":o So i went on google and got the fix for it which was this

>> > > Start > Run > type in "services.msc" (without quotes) and click OK
>> > > Services window opens - maximize it to make it easier to see -
>> > > Scroll down to Print Spooler service -
>> > > Double click on it to open the properties for it -
>> > > The Startup Type should be "Automatic"
>> > > Then click on Start under Service Status
>> > > Once it is started, click OK -
>> > > Then close the Services window.
>> > > See if your issue is resolved

So i did this then tried to install the printer again and i got through until it asked which port i wanted to use, so when i got there it showed NOTHING?? no ports available.. So then i did this

here is a screenshot..

Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
Locate the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\Local Port
Modify the Driver string value by double-clicking it, or by clicking it and then clicking String on the Edit menu. Change the string value to localspl.dll.
Click OK, and then quit Registry Editor.
Stop and restart the Spooler service.

which it seemed all correct cuz the string value was already "localspl.dll" So now whenever i do this and try to add the printer it gets to that screen and still no ports, but then if I exit the add printer it says once again "printer spooler is not working" so i do the process again and then it does the same thing and then keeps telling me its not working. I am on a desktop running windows XP. Please help I need to printer out court documents and can't even use my own computer to print!!
Who makes the printer? How does it connect to your computer (USB I assume)?
Are you connecting this printer directly to the computer or USB hub (if it is USB)? Have you tried to uninstall the software using Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel? If so, what happens when you try to install the software after removing it?