Printer Sharing between xp and Vista

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gay Lynne Kegan
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Gay Lynne Kegan

I have a few printers connected to my xp machine. I can see the printer on
my Vista computer but when I go to install it I get an access denied
message. What do I do so I can use my printers?

Gay Lynne
Gay Lynne,

I'm sorry you're experiencing this. A few folks in other posts are finding
that by adjusting their firewalls, the problem is solved. If you're running
OneCare, do the following (thanks, Tom!):

Windows Live OneCare ->
Change OneCare Settinge ->
Firewall connection tool ->
Tick relevant options (Network discovery, file and print settings,
etc) ->
OK ->
Advanced Settings ->
Change file sharing from 'Do not share files and printers" ->
OK ->

Please try that and let us know!

I am using the firewall on my netgear router. I turned off the windows
Make sure the XP machine has a user account with the same username and
password as you are using on Vista. Another possible problem is drivers. If
Vista doesn't have built in drivers for the printer it tries to load the
drivers from the XP computer. This probably won't work and shows up as
different errors depending on the printer. Sometimes you can get it to work
by installing a local printer that is compatible then changing the port in
the printer properties to the printer share (i.e.
\\computername\printename). What printers are we talking about?
Kerry's suggestion worked for me. I have a Canon MP130 on a XP machine that
had been shared successfully with other XP machines. After upgrading to Vista
on one PC, I got the "Access Denied" message when trying to use the MP130 on
Vista. File sharing worked fine between the two PCs. I did the following:

1. Downloaded Vista drivers for MP130 from Canon
2. Installed the MP130 locally on the Vista PC (which for Canon means having
to plug in the USB cable - ugh).
3. Re-connected MP130 to XP PC
4. On the Vista PC, opened the properties page for the MP130.
5. Select Port tab
6. Choose "Add a port"
7. Choose "Local port" (yes, not obvious, but don't use TCP/IP)
8. Type in the share name: \\xp-pc-name\printer-name
9. Make sure the new port is selected (checked)

I've tried those and have had no success
any other ideas? I've tried on several different home and lets me load and then when I try to print anything it says
communication error?
Kerry's suggestion also worked for me. I have a HP Color LaserJet 2605dn.
The HP tech support solution was to connect the printer directly to the
network instead of my preference of having the printer connected to a PC
(running XP) on the network. I also connected the HP directly to my Vista
system and got a successful installation. I then followed the numbered steps
below to add a port and was able to print across the network to the shared
printer connected to a PC (running XP). One additional step I needed to make
was to ensure the printer was selected for online as opposed to offline
Hi Gay. I had this problem myself and nearly went nuts trying to resolve it.
To install this printer, open the control panel, go to the printers folder,
click add new printer, click add a local printer, click create new port,
leave it at local port, in the enter port name box, type the path to your
printer. (for instance, mine is \\your-9k1ay6x2a2\Printer2) then click ok
and you will have it.
None of this has worked for me.

I have an XP home Compaq; HP 5MP LaserJet printer; a new HP Laptop with
Vista home premium 32bit.

I tried all of this. When I try to add a port I get "The network path cannot
be found"

I do already have a Lexmark x7675 wireless printer setup that works
wirelessly from both computers.

This sucks!

Please help
Let's start at the beginning. On the XP Home PC. The HP printer is
attached physically to this PC, right? It's shared, right? Does the shared
name have spaces in it.... that's a no-no, change it.... HPPrinter will be
fine, you won't get it mixed up with the Lexmark.

Once it's shared and the name is correct, go to the Vista PC.

Start, Settings, Printers..... Add a Network Printer...... let Vista try and
find it. You shouldn't have to add a port or anything like that, if the
printer is shared out correctly correctly, Vista should find it and add it.
IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you. Oh so much!!!!! :) It didn't work exactly like you said. I tried
to let Vista find it as a network printer and I still receiver the "Access
denied" message. So I tried the work around by installing it as a local
printer and a new port and I got it to work. Thank you, you saved me the
expense of at least a print server and the other frustrations involved.

You da best.

It work for me too. I have a HP920con a xp machine. After brought my new
vista laptop I got problems printing, but now its solved.

thank you