Elijah Bailey said:
jbuch <
[email protected]> wrote in message
So you do understand that it is unethical...
Why do you think "rebate forms" are ethical?
They make it to rip u off... They state all
the rules before they play the game thou...so
its not illegal...do u consider rebate forms
I'm doing everything by the book....buy stuff,
use it, dont like it, they let me return it.
I make buisness for them anyhow...I'll buy what
I return anyway,
why is that not ethical?
They are in buisness because they let u do that,
if not, I cud buy stuff from the cheapest place
on the internet...
I dont consider it unethical to use stuff and
return it...(At least not if I'm rebuying it back)
why should i? Gimme a reason?
I'm truly hoping this posting is some kind of joke.
Let's take the same situation, and this time you're the guy who gets stuck
with the used or damaged goods.
You have a new printer you never used. I buy it from you, use it, use up
the ink, and after I'm done with the printing I want to do, I lie to you and
tell you , I don't like it, or it doesn't work correctly, so I bring it back
to you and demand my money back... what would YOU think of a person who did
that to you.
You want to know what's unethical.. it's simple... you're lying. You don't
go in the store and tell them you want to borrow the printer for a week and
run your printing job and then you'll return it for a refund, do you.? Why
not, if it's "ethical".
If you want to RENT a printer, than find some place that will rent you one!
Who do you think swallows the cost of the printer you return used after
lying about your intent? Well, the store does first, but ultimately the
cost is passed on to other customers, so you are just ripping off other
customers who don't play deceptive and dishonet games. Really nice. How
would you feel if they sold you a used printer as new... I bet you'd be
returning it to the store quicker than I can type "gee, what a rip..."
How about ask a friend if you can borrow their printer and pay them for use
and ink? Or hire someone to do your printing... Then again, maybe you
don't have many friends... most people don't particularly want to be
friends with someone who thinks the way you do.
The store you buy and return it to has to take a loss due to your actions.
You're buying it "again" someplace else, but even if the purchase were to ne
made at the same store chain, that doesn't resolve the lose. The reason
it's unethical is because your intent is deceitful and dishonest.
As to if some rebates are also dishonest, that's completely irrelevant.
Some people kill other people and that doesn't exactly justify your doing
the same.
Sounds to me you are trying to rationalize bad behaviour. But, if you
didn't know better, you wouldn't have asked to begin with, so you obviously
know it's wrong. So do yourself a favor, follow what you know is correct,
and rent a printer or find someone to borrow it from and compensate them for
your ink use.