Printer PaperSize returned as a String - How

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dennis Macdonald
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Dennis Macdonald

I have an API that returns the papersize as a number but how do I get
the string version (ie 9 = "A4").

This is OK when the parpersize returned is one of the papersize
contants, I can map it, but when it is not, how do I get the string

That is - in Excel it shows a pulldown of all the page sizes available
in text form - where can I get a similar list wityh an API.

I hope this makes sense.


Your question is a little vague.... what API? One you wrote, part of
another system, a Microsoft Object? Regardless, can you find out every
number returned from the API? If so, have two arrays, one with the number
value and the other with the text version. So, if the API returns a number,
search the array for that number, and then use the corresponding text version
in the second array.

I may be way off base from your question, but if you refine it, perhaps I
could get closer to your answer.