Printer not printing?!

Mar 10, 2005
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Righto - I have a Epson Stylus PHOTO RX520, and for some reason it isnt priniting ANYTHING when I request it too.

I usually get a preview box and I can confirm wether or not I want the document printed, now I dont get that and instead get a little printer on my task bar and when i click on it the document is just waiting there, and its status is nothing ...

please help I need to print off like 200 pages for coursework TOMOROW!!!
It kinda seems to be set to 'Pause' and all the documents a I try and print go into a queue
I havn't no, is there anywhere around that, I cant remember for the life of me where all of the CD's and that are
you should be able to get the drivers etc off the epsom website
I think I know the problem! It was when my friend was round and I was taking out his memory stick, I stopped the wrong Mass Storage Device, it must be that because it didnt work after that
Wahey that did the trick! I just unplugged the USB from my computer and reconnected it

Strange the same didn't happen when I turned the printer on and off, but ahwell, its fixed!