I have an old laptop that doesn't have a USB port - does everything I need
except my printer just died. I'm having trouble finding a deskjet printer
(in the UK) that has a parallel port connection though.
So first question is - does anyone know of such a printer that is on the
market now
Second question - if not, is there anyway of connection a USB printer to the
parallel port on my laptop? I've seen lots of cables that go the other way
around - i.e. allowing an old printer's parallel port to be connected to the
USB socket on a computer, but not the other way around.
I have an old laptop that doesn't have a USB port - does everything I need
except my printer just died. I'm having trouble finding a deskjet printer
(in the UK) that has a parallel port connection though.
So first question is - does anyone know of such a printer that is on the
market now
Second question - if not, is there anyway of connection a USB printer to the
parallel port on my laptop? I've seen lots of cables that go the other way
around - i.e. allowing an old printer's parallel port to be connected to the
USB socket on a computer, but not the other way around.