Printer Migration

  • Thread starter Thread starter amador.gomez
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Hello All..

Hoping is able to help me with this task I have. I have to
migrate about 150 printers from one server to another. The
difference between both server is that one is named
hcus_ny01 and the new one is named hcusny01, see the
difference we took the underscore out, but the printer
queue's name are the same. The nightmare here is touching
over 1000 desktops to make the change, is there anyway I
could modify the registry to make the change from the old
server with underscore and modify the key to reflect the
new server without the underscore. Would this work? I'm
trying to automate this change on the desktop side. Any
help will be greatly appreciated.

I understand that you are planning to migrate about 150 printers from one
server to another. You are looking for a way to automate the updating of
the UNC network printers to the new share.

Please download the print migrator tool from the link below which assist
you to migrate the printers from one server to the other.

Print Migrator 3.0

The link below provides help information for Print migrator

Help Information for Printmig.exe Version 2.0;en-us;275529

Please find a sample VB script file that helps you to redirect the client
to the new network printer share.

Note: Please test it in your environment to make sure it works as expected
before implementing it.

' NAME: W2kChgPrint.vbs
' COMMENT: This is a sample script
' For the purpose of updating W2K and WinXP clients UNC printers
to a new
' printer path.
' This script is designed to handle the following format only
' <old UNC printer> <new UNC printer>
' \\server1\shareA \\server2\shareC
' \\server1\shareB \\serverX\ShareB
' Do not add blank spaces. Both original and new UNC printer path must be
' One tab only between original UNC printer path and new UNC printer path
' The line in the script "TranslateFile =..." should be updated
Option Explicit
'On error Resume Next

Dim TranslateFile 'File that stores the old printer path and new printer
TranslateFile = "\\systemname\W2K-ChgPrint\translateprinter.txt"
Dim dict 'The dictionary object, dict.item() points to the new printer
Dim Key 'The dictionary key to each item
Dim PrinterPath 'Contains the Path to the original printer, ie
Dim objLocator, objService, objEnumerator
Dim objWSH, strComputerName

Set objWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
strComputerName = objWSH.ComputerName

set objLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
set objService = objLocator.ConnectServer(strComputerName,"root/cimv2")
set objEnumerator = objService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM win32_Printer")

Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
CreateDictionary 'Populate the dictionary object

For each key in objEnumerator
PrinterPath = Ucase(key.ServerName & "\" & key.ShareName) 'enumerated
from local system
If dict.Exists (PrinterPath) Then 'if
PrinterPath matches dictionary item
objWSH.AddWindowsPrinterConnection dict.item(PrinterPath)'Add printer
dictionary that matches PrinterPath
If (ucase(GetDefaultPrinter()) = ucase( then _
objWSH.SetDefaultPrinter dict.item(PrinterPath)
objWSH.RemovePrinterConnection PrinterPath, true, true 'This line
deletes old
End if

'** This function returns the name of the printer ie "\\server\HP Laser Jet
Function GetDefaultPrinter()
Dim RegPath 'Location that stores users Default Printer
Dim Loc 'Used to locate the comma after the printer name
Dim DefaultPrinter 'Temporary stores the data read from RegPath
DIM WSHShell 'Windows Scripting Host object

Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
RegPath = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows
GetDefaultPrinter="" 'If we error out reading Default printer will be

On Error Resume Next 'Script should continue running even if registry
data is
not found
DefaultPrinter = WSHShell.RegRead(RegPath)
Loc = instr(3,DefaultPrinter,",",vbTextCompare)
GetDefaultPrinter = Mid(DefaultPrinter,1,loc - 1)
End Function

'** This fuction adds the Translatefile.txt into a dictionary object
'** The original \\server\share is assigned to the dictionary Key (like a
'** The destination \\server\share becomes the associated Item to the Key
'** If you do not like dictionary objects you could use a 2 dimensional
Function CreateDictionary()
Dim File, FSO, Line, OrgPrinter, NewPrinter, Loc
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set File = FSO.OpenTextFile (TranslateFile, 1)
While not File.AtEndOfStream 'Loop until the end of the file is
Line = Ucase(File.ReadLine) 'Read line of text from the file
Loc = instr(1,Line,chr(9),vbTextCompare) 'Find the tab in the line read
if Loc > 3 then 'Do not add line to dictionary if
Tab not
OrgPrinter = Mid(Line,1,Loc -1) 'contents before tab is the
NewPrinter = Mid(Line,Loc +1) 'Contents after tab is the
dict.Add OrgPrinter, NewPrinter 'adds another set of "Key, Item"
to the
end if
End Function

Hope it helps your issue.

Thank you,


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Subject: Printer Migration
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Hello All..

Hoping is able to help me with this task I have. I have to
migrate about 150 printers from one server to another. The
difference between both server is that one is named
hcus_ny01 and the new one is named hcusny01, see the
difference we took the underscore out, but the printer
queue's name are the same. The nightmare here is touching
over 1000 desktops to make the change, is there anyway I
could modify the registry to make the change from the old
server with underscore and modify the key to reflect the
new server without the underscore. Would this work? I'm
trying to automate this change on the desktop side. Any
help will be greatly appreciated.