To help us help you, please make sure you provide the following information when asking a technical question about your PC &/or its peripherals:
Operating System: e.g. Windows XP or Windows Vista
Anti Virus Software : e.g. AVG Free, Norton
Anti Spyware Software : e.g. AdAware, Microsoft Defender
How do you connect to the net : e.g. ADSL (router?), 56k Modem
Your Computer Specifications - This is very important!!
Make and model of printer and how it connects to your PC
If you are unsure of your system specifications you can download SIW here which is a free tool that can give you all of the information you need to know. If you aren't familiar with your system, things to mention from SIW are : Motherboard vendor and model (motherboard tab), physical memory (system info tab), CPU name (CPU info tab), Video Processor (video tab).