Printer Copier Scanner Recommendations Please


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
My old printer, an Epson, is now six years old and is on its last legs. I don't think it owes me anything after this time but I really need a new one. It will NOT be needed to print photos as I have a dedicated photoprinter so will be used for documents only.

I see that the present trend is to have Printer Copier Scanner machines which will suit me fine as my almost equally old scanner also plays up sometimes.

Can anyone recommend one that they have found to be efficient and good value. I would also prefer one that uses individual colour and black cartridges rather than the all-in-one type. I looked in Search for info but the thread is over two years old and I suspect that things have changed considerably since then. :p

Ta in advance.
Well just to start you off, there is a fairly basic HP all-in-one on offer at only £29.99 at PC World online
I've always used HP and like them a lot, so I'm admitting my bias here ;)
Our oldest Deskjet is now seven years old, used regularly and is still going strong :p I also have a Photosmart 2575 all-in-one which they no longer make (although it's only 18 months old) It has a few more bells and whistles than the one I've linked to, (having some photo features, which you've said you won't need) but the quality of the ordinary scans/copying and document printing is jolly good.

Edit: Forgot to mention the offer has free delivery too. :thumb:
The new Epson DX range are about the best at the moment and the running costs are far lower than the HP's I know this because I also have a HP PSC

The epsons inks are all seperate so if the magenta goes you only have to replace the Magenta cartridge not shell out for a whole new colour cartridge with half the cyan and other colours still in it..These cartridges can be picked up for £6.00 odd on ebay and on the net

I have the DX6000 but I saw the DX7040 in Tesco's recently on offer from £79.99 down to £49.99