printer causing sound distortions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pam
  • Start date Start date


Windows XP
Lexmark X85 printer
Altec Lansing speakers


When my printer is on I get static and crackling through the speakers when a
sound is played, and crackling, static, and distortion when music is played.
I get none of this when the printer is off. Has anyone had this happen to
them? How can I fix this?
There are a few ways that noise from the printer might be getting into the
sound system.

You may have an unused input on your sound card enabled. This could be
picking up noise from elsewhere in the system. Try muting any unused inputs.
How you do this may depend on your sound card. Usually you need to put a
check mark in a box marked "Mute" against the sound source.

Another way is through the power cords. If you have the whole system plugged
into one extension block then try plugging the printer into it's own wall

Another way might be back through the USB lead. Does the noise stop if you
unplug the USB lead but leave the printer switched on? If your printer is
connected directly to the USB port on your PC you might try inserting a USB
hub in the path? That may or may not work though.
