for some reason when I remotely connect a couple of odd things are
happening. The display this is new, but the printer just got hooked up, so
it may be a common problem.
The display - used to be fine. But, now (since I use it quite often for
watching movies on my tele) when I get home from my girlfrioends house
(where I have logged onto my home machine remotely) my display is on the TV
for some reason. I checked to ensure that the monitor was the default
display and this never happened until about 2 weeks ago. Any ideas?
The other issue is the network. I have a home network of about 4 machines
set up whicj all share the printer connected to this computer. When I'm
remotely connected (and in fact until I restart my machine after a remote
connection) no-one can use the printer hooked up to my computer; not even
me. ONce I restart it recognises everything again and all is good; until
the next remote connection screws everything up.
Pent 2.53
1.5G RAM
Nvidia GeForce 5600 Ultra
Gigabyte 8INXP MB
Win XP Pro
Linksys B rounter (4 port and wireless)
and a new HP Office Jet 1210 All in one
using port forwarding; not DMZ
any ideas?
happening. The display this is new, but the printer just got hooked up, so
it may be a common problem.
The display - used to be fine. But, now (since I use it quite often for
watching movies on my tele) when I get home from my girlfrioends house
(where I have logged onto my home machine remotely) my display is on the TV
for some reason. I checked to ensure that the monitor was the default
display and this never happened until about 2 weeks ago. Any ideas?
The other issue is the network. I have a home network of about 4 machines
set up whicj all share the printer connected to this computer. When I'm
remotely connected (and in fact until I restart my machine after a remote
connection) no-one can use the printer hooked up to my computer; not even
me. ONce I restart it recognises everything again and all is good; until
the next remote connection screws everything up.
Pent 2.53
1.5G RAM
Nvidia GeForce 5600 Ultra
Gigabyte 8INXP MB
Win XP Pro
Linksys B rounter (4 port and wireless)
and a new HP Office Jet 1210 All in one
using port forwarding; not DMZ
any ideas?