I tried several ways to programmatically set the size of a page while
printing with PrintDocument object without success.
In pratice, this code...
Dim printInvoice As New PrintDocument
AddHandler printInvoice.PrintPage, AddressOf Print
printRicevuta.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = New PaperSize("A5", 583, 827)
....print always in the A4 format. I have also tried to set the PageSize in
the PrintPage and QueryPageSettings too but is the same.
Which is the right way to set the damned paper size of a print job???
I'm using the 1.1 version of the framework.
printing with PrintDocument object without success.
In pratice, this code...
Dim printInvoice As New PrintDocument
AddHandler printInvoice.PrintPage, AddressOf Print
printRicevuta.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = New PaperSize("A5", 583, 827)
....print always in the A4 format. I have also tried to set the PageSize in
the PrintPage and QueryPageSettings too but is the same.
Which is the right way to set the damned paper size of a print job???
I'm using the 1.1 version of the framework.