Print window takes a long time to open in Outlook 2003



Can someone please give me some ideas as to why it takes the print window
about 45 sec to 1.5 minutes to open after selecting File > Print ? It seems
to have just started recently, but the user at the computer does not remember
how long. Nothing to my knowledge has been installed in the last several

Any common things i could look for?


Brian Tillman

Randy Horton said:
Can someone please give me some ideas as to why it takes the print
window about 45 sec to 1.5 minutes to open after selecting File >
Print ? It seems to have just started recently, but the user at the
computer does not remember how long. Nothing to my knowledge has
been installed in the last several weeks.

Any common things i could look for?

Do they have any printers defined that are offered by other machines and
defined as network printers on the user's system? If that server has a
problem, you may see these symptoms.


Yes, there are a couple of network printers installed on this machine. As it
is always possible this is the problem, I don't think it is for the fact that
i logged into another computer as this person and ran Outlook and the print
window opened normally. This makes me think there is something on that one
machine causing the problem.

I found a post dated back in 2005 with this same problem we are having, but
a solution was not found. I deleted the TEMP folder contents with no change
to my problem.


Brian Tillman

Randy Horton said:
Yes, there are a couple of network printers installed on this
machine. As it is always possible this is the problem, I don't think
it is for the fact that i logged into another computer as this person
and ran Outlook and the print window opened normally.

There still could be a connectivity issue between the original PC and the PC
hosting the printer.


I created a Ghost image of the hard drive and installed it on a different
computer an still had the same problem. I compared Outlook settings with
another computer that is working fine and everything is same. Then i finally
decided to reinstall all of Office 2003 and that has fixed the issue on the
new Ghost image hard drive. Therefore, there must have been something with
the installation that got all screwed up. Task now is to find out exactly
what piece of Office it was. But, at least i know a way to get it working
again. :)


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