I'm running Access 2000 on a Windows NT 4.0 machine. I
have Adobe Distiller, which allows me to print to file any
document as a PDF. I am trying to write code that will
allow me to do this, but I'm running into trouble.
I've tried the
DoCmd.Output to acOutputReport, "MyReport",
acFormatPDF, "C:\mydocuments"
but to no avail. I've looked up PDF in my Object Browser,
and it's telling me that there is a member that I can use
(AcroDistX Library, PDFDistiller Class, and FileToPDF
member). The syntax for this is:
FileToPDF(strinputPostScript as String, strOutputPDF as
String, strJobOptions as String) as Integer
but when I run this (changed for my needs, of course), I
get the error message Syntax Error; does anyone have any
idea how I can successfully modify the code to my needs?
Thanks for your time,
I'm running Access 2000 on a Windows NT 4.0 machine. I
have Adobe Distiller, which allows me to print to file any
document as a PDF. I am trying to write code that will
allow me to do this, but I'm running into trouble.
I've tried the
DoCmd.Output to acOutputReport, "MyReport",
acFormatPDF, "C:\mydocuments"
but to no avail. I've looked up PDF in my Object Browser,
and it's telling me that there is a member that I can use
(AcroDistX Library, PDFDistiller Class, and FileToPDF
member). The syntax for this is:
FileToPDF(strinputPostScript as String, strOutputPDF as
String, strJobOptions as String) as Integer
but when I run this (changed for my needs, of course), I
get the error message Syntax Error; does anyone have any
idea how I can successfully modify the code to my needs?
Thanks for your time,