Russ Goodwin
(I also posted in microsoft.public.win2000.termserv.clients as I wasn't sure
which group to use).
First let me say I am not a Macintosh expert by any means, so detailed help
would be appreciated.
The Mac user (OS-X) has an Epson C62 printer attached to her Macintosh. She
needs to be able to print to it from her Terminal Server session. The user
makes a VPN connection to the network, then launches her TS session (all via
broadband Internet - no modem dialing).
TS Server is Windows 2003 and is a member of a Windows 2003 domain. Printer
Services for Macintosh and AppleTalk protocol are installed.
What are the steps needed to make the TS session communicate with her
Note: for all the Windows TS session clients, printing is working great.
Thanks for any pointers!
which group to use).
First let me say I am not a Macintosh expert by any means, so detailed help
would be appreciated.
The Mac user (OS-X) has an Epson C62 printer attached to her Macintosh. She
needs to be able to print to it from her Terminal Server session. The user
makes a VPN connection to the network, then launches her TS session (all via
broadband Internet - no modem dialing).
TS Server is Windows 2003 and is a member of a Windows 2003 domain. Printer
Services for Macintosh and AppleTalk protocol are installed.
What are the steps needed to make the TS session communicate with her
Note: for all the Windows TS session clients, printing is working great.
Thanks for any pointers!