David M
One of our users here can only get the "Print Style" options (Memo
Style, etc.) to appear when she selects a message in her inbox and
then goes to File > Print. If she opens the message first and then
goes to File > Print, then only a standard printer settings dialogue
pops up - no "Print Style" options appear at all. I checked a few
other users' installations, and everyone else seems to get the Print
Style options no matter where they choose to print from. Any ideas on
how to get the Print Style options to appear from within a message
window? This user customarily reads her mail in a full message window,
and would really like to have the Print Style options available from
Style, etc.) to appear when she selects a message in her inbox and
then goes to File > Print. If she opens the message first and then
goes to File > Print, then only a standard printer settings dialogue
pops up - no "Print Style" options appear at all. I checked a few
other users' installations, and everyone else seems to get the Print
Style options no matter where they choose to print from. Any ideas on
how to get the Print Style options to appear from within a message
window? This user customarily reads her mail in a full message window,
and would really like to have the Print Style options available from