There would be a number of approaches that could be taken here.
Your idea about using the time is a good one. You could put an unbound
textbox in the header of the continuous "sign-off" form, with its
Default Value set to Now(). So this will show when the form was opened.
Then, you could add a new field to the table, Date/Time data type,
Let's say you call it WhenUpdated. And on the After Update event of the
control on the form where the agree/disagree/addendum option is entered,
you could use a SetValue macro, with these arguments...
Item: [WhenUpdated]
Expression: Now()
Then, in the Criteria of the query that the report is based on, in the
WhenUpdated column you can use like this...
Another idea would be to add a Yes/No data type field to the table, and
on the After Update event of the agree/disagree/addendum, your SetValue
macro with these arguments...
Item: [WasUpdated]
Expression: -1
Then, in the Criteria of the query that the report is based on, in the
WasUpdated column you can use like this...
You would then need an Update Query to return all the WasUpdated back to
0 and you could add an OpenQuery action to the macro that prints the
report, after the OpenReport action.
Hope that points you in a useful direction.
Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP
Steve, I have one more big favor that I am not sure if it is possible. This
may take some explaining to ask if I can do this:
First, I have a form to enter data (prelimreport). Then I have a second
form that pulls up all records that have not been signed of on by a
supervisor. The second form is in tabular format so that it displays all
records without a sign off on the same page. The supervisor then signs off
every record with agree, disagree, or addendum. When he is at the end of
this list all records there are signed off so that the next time the sign off
form is run they will not come up. Now, what i would like to do is generate
a report run by a command button (macro) at the bottom of that page the sign
off form that would print out a report showing all records signed off in that
sitting. I thought of using time as a criteria, but these "sign-off
sessions" could take 5 minutes or 2 hours. I tried referencing the primary
key on that form in a query, but it only queries the last record. I would
appreciate any help/advice you have.