How do i use the print screen button to print or save visible
screen to a file? Can i save a still frame from a video clip to
a picture file?
The PrintScreen key doesn't actually *print* anymore (not in
Windows, anyway): it copies a snapshot of the desktop to the
clipboard. You can then paste it into a blank document in your image
manipulation program of choice (and of course print it from there).
Pressing Alt+PrintScreen instead snapshots only the active window.
As for making snapshots of videos, it depends on the player you're
using and its configuration, so there's no one-size-fits-all answer.
It's not rocket surgery, though.
If the "PrintScreen" snapshot has a "hole" where the still frame
should be (you might even be seeing the "real" video playing through
that "hole", don't let that confuse you), rummage through the
player's configuration to turn off the video overlay (could also be
called something else, like hardware or video acceleration or
something) and try again.
Some video players also have their own snapshot features.
Here's more or less the same information in more words:
Hope that helped.