Cari said:
I think you're right. I must put a reminder in Outlook to myself ....
because with SP2 going on, there is NO WAY I'll remember. 10am one
week from today!
My S600 blew its print head Sunday, I got an i860 for $99 and an i560
for $59 as I know the S800 will follow suit very shortly. Nice to
have new toys!
Nice one! I've just bought an R800 (for its water resistance - though a test
on JetTec media didn't prove successful - the ink sat on the card like
powder - it was so dry I could blow on it and it would smudge!) Wish you
were here - I need someone to help me fold all these damned service sheets!
Everything's going pop here - my ZX-550s are on their way out (pops,
crackles and hisses - not to mention sound distortion) so, when I'm paid for
this job, I'm treating myself to a set of Logitech Z680s! Digital heaven!
I'll give these to my sister as I doubt I'll be able to flog 'em on eBay
(not that I'd want to - they've jacked the listing fees up again!) Actually,
if the mono work picks up I think I may need to invest in a laser, though
goddess only knows where in Hades I'm going to put it! I'd have to relocate
the Sky box.
I miss our phone calls - the phone bill's arrived (I think) and Dad's not
said anything, mind you, I've not made a 'social' call for years - all my
calls have either been to the BA, social services, Freeserve, or the company
I buy my supplies from. You were the first social call I've made in about
eight years!
I did reply to your email - couldn't really say much though, wasn't in a fit
state to.
Right I think I'd better get some sleep - it's 4am now and I was going to
have an early night!