measekite wrote:
Davy wrote:
Davy wrote:
Multi-Union Trading Co Ltd of Hong Kong produces Print Rite inks amongst others. THERE OTHER NAME IS PRINTCLOG
No, no measekite, try looking at the link, I'm sure you will find PRINTCLOG ain't one of em, its gotta be the ink fumes....! Davy
ain't it
Is there a way to flag this jerkhead so that people who come to this forum WON'T reply to him in any way? It just makes him keep it up. If there was a way to put a banner on his posts; something like DO NOT REPLY OR REFERENCE THIS JERK IN ANY WAY, he'd go away.
(Yeah, I know! I just set him off.) I occassionally come here to learn something, and when I have to hide 15-50 messages from him, it makes it less a learning process, and more of a chore.)