Rick is right from what I've found. The only ways I have
made this happen were to either:
1 - Build a table in Access with the dates you want to
print, then have an autoexec macro check current date
against the table and if a match is found, print the
2 - Build a macro that checks the current date and if it
is a Wed and the 1st or 3rd, print the report.
3 - Build a command line arguement that runs access and
launches a specific macro (one that prints your reports as
needed) into a .bat file and have that .bat file launch
via the scheduler in Windows on the dates you require.
This one is tricky as you need to get the syntax right for
the command line, but you can find plenty of sytax help
via the net and Microsoft (think command line switches to
run specific macros). Keep in mind this will only work on
unescured databases, so if your DB is secure, build a new
front end that doesn't require a password and put it on a
secure PC and have that machine do all the running for you.