Terry Clites
I'm searching for an scaled down way to print reports to .pdf format
directly from a form that selects multiple reports for review or printing.
It would seem that there is a simpler method rather than the copious amounts
of coding required to set the default to Acrobat Distiller and back again.
Is it not possible to simply code the Distiller printer as the selected
printer for output within the form's command button "On Open" event handler
that opens the selected reports? I've seen very detailed modules dedicated
to printer output operations. But it seems overkill for the simplicity
required. Maybe some db guru could explain the issue of this complexity.
Thanks all
directly from a form that selects multiple reports for review or printing.
It would seem that there is a simpler method rather than the copious amounts
of coding required to set the default to Acrobat Distiller and back again.
Is it not possible to simply code the Distiller printer as the selected
printer for output within the form's command button "On Open" event handler
that opens the selected reports? I've seen very detailed modules dedicated
to printer output operations. But it seems overkill for the simplicity
required. Maybe some db guru could explain the issue of this complexity.
Thanks all