Print problem in Wordperfect

  • Thread starter Thread starter John
  • Start date Start date


I have a brand new Dell with XP. I installed drivers for
my old Xerox printer/scanner and all applications work
fine, except the Wordperfect 11.0 that came prebundled.
I hit print and it does not even create a job in the
print queue. I get a printserve110 process in the task
manager, but nothing happens.

Oddly, there is no problem printing from Quatro Pro,
which is part of the same suite.

Any thoughts?

John said:
I have a brand new Dell with XP. I installed drivers for
my old Xerox printer/scanner and all applications work
fine, except the Wordperfect 11.0 that came prebundled.
I hit print and it does not even create a job in the
print queue. I get a printserve110 process in the task
manager, but nothing happens.

Oddly, there is no problem printing from Quatro Pro,
which is part of the same suite.

Any thoughts?


Contact Corel - this has nothing whatsoever to do with Microsoft or Windows.
Telling people to contact Corel (or whoever is the non-MS manufacturer of the
s/w at issue) is like telling them to contact MS for help with real WinXP
problems. Newsgroups like this one exist so that knowledgeable users -- other
than the mfr reps -- can help others.

Your answer should be: This has nothing whatsoever to do with Microsoft or
Windows -- don't bother us here, go and post in
news:// (or whatever the appropriate
group might be). Actually, in the case of this OP, he ought to go back to Dell.
Consider posting this to a WordPerfect news group.

Clicking on this link will cause an Network News Transport Protocol
newsreader (e.g. Outlook Express) to be configured to read and post messages
to the Corel group for Word Perfect 11.

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