Print Preview Speed/Report Speed

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dale
  • Start date Start date


I have a report that has mutliple sub reports on it. It take about 1 minute
15 seconds to produce a 11 page report. If I remove one of the sub reports it
decreases the time to about 30 seconds. The sub report I removed is based on
2 queries. These queries return very fast when clicking on run. Is there
something I can do to speed this up. Also once the 11 pages is in the print
preview mode it takes close to a minute to get to the last page. Any ideas on
that. I am using Access 2007.
printing an entire report and previewing and going to the last page are
kinda doing the same thing thus the same time.

I think that is telling you that the one subreport is where you should focus
your energy.

Possibly you can change the recordsource of the subreport via code to be a
more restrictive query at the start.

Although not normal you could do something ratical like subquery runs to
create temp table and
then temp table is used instead of subquery. I don't recommend because it
will cause yoru database to grow. Otherwsie a difficult question without
seeing the queries and data.

Sometimes there are approaches to remove a subreport and have the main
report do more work as well.

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