print PDF

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joel Allen
  • Start date Start date

Joel Allen


I have some code that pulls up a Word document, and prints it. Here's a
snipit of code:

Sub CommandButtonFileCoverII_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim objDoc
Dim strCurrentPrinter' As String
Dim objWord
Set objDoc =
Call FillFieldsFileCoverII(objDoc)
objDoc.Application.Options.PrintBackground = True
Call RestoreWordFileCoverII
'MsgBox "The name of the active printer is " &
strCurrentPrinter = objDoc.Application.ActivePrinter ' store the current
active printer
On Error Resume Next ' ignore printing errors
objDoc.Application.ActivePrinter = "DYMO" ' change to another printer
if Item.UserProperties("PrintHold") = False then
objDoc.PrintOut ' print the active sheet
end if

I want to also pull up a PDF file and print that. How can I go about that?
Does anybody have any sample code?

Thanks Joel
Printing a PDF can't be done with Outlook code. You'd need to call other
APIs to do that (Win32 API, Adobe, etc.).